Water Services
Want to pay your water bill from home?
Most banks offer online bill-pay!
Just log into your bank account and add the City of Gates into your bill-pay.
Our mailing address is: 101 Sorbin Ave. W, Gates, OR 97346.
Questions? Call City Hall, 503-897-2669.
Water bills are due the 16th of each month, or the first business day following the 15th. If payment is not received by the due date in the month in which it is billed, a $5.00 late fee will be added to the bill. If payment is not received by the 28th day of the month in which it is billed, you will receive a 72 hour shut-off notice for non-payment. There is a $75.00 non-refundable reconnect fee for all accounts turned off for non-payment. All checks returned for non-payment, regardless of the reason, will be charged a $25.00 fee.
Leaks & Water Emergencies
If you notice any water leaks, please notify the City as soon as possible. During normal business hours (8 am-5 pm), contact City Hall at 503-897-2669.
For after-hours water emergencies, contact Greg at 503-400-0538 or Larry at 503-979-2354.